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amniotomy (ˌæmnɪˈɒtəmɪ) nthe artificial rupturing of the fetal membranes by a doctor or midwife to induce or expedite labouramniotomyRupturing the membrane surrounding the fetus, usually in order to induce labor.Translationsamniotomy
amniotomy [am″ne-ot´ah-me] surgical rupture of the fetal membranes.Patient Care. Amniotomy results in drainage of the amniotic fluid and thus hastens labor by allowing the head to fit more snugly into the dilating cervix. There is little or no discomfort accompanying the procedure; the patient will require only an explanation of what is to be done, and proper draping and cleansing of the perineum. After amniotomy the expelled fluid is carefully observed for color. A yellow or green color indicates fetal distress. The fetal heart rate is monitored for signs of fetal distress because amniotomy increases the risk of a prolapsed cord.am·ni·ot·o·my (am'nē-ot'ō-mē), Artificial rupture of the fetal membranes as a means of inducing or expediting labor.amniotomy (ăm′nē-ŏt′ə-mē)n. Surgical rupture of the fetal membranes to induce or expedite labor.amniotomy Breaking the bag of waters, membrane rupture Obstetrics The deliberate rupture of the amniotic sac to induce or hasten laboram·ni·ot·o·my (am'nē-ot'ŏ-mē) Artificial rupture of the fetal membranes as a means of inducing or expediting labor. amniotomy Intentional rupturing of the fetal membranes to induce or facilitate labour.ThesaurusSeeamniotic sac |