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macroscopy[ma′kräs·kə·pē] (science and technology) The study or observation of objects visible to the unaided eye. macroscopy
macroscopy [mah-kros´kah-pe] examination with the unaided eye.ma·cros·co·py (mă-kros'kŏ-pē), Examination of objects with the unaided eye. [macro- + G. skopeō, to view] macroscopy (mă-krŏs′kə-pē)n. Examination with the naked eye.ma·cros·co·py (mă-kros'kŏ-pē) Examination of objects with the naked eye. [macro- + G. skopeō, to view]mac·ro·scop·ic (mak'rō-skop'ik) 1. Of a size visible with the naked eye or without the use of a microscope. 2. Relating to macroscopy. |