ankle-brachial index

ankle-brachial index (ABI),

objective measurement of arterial insufficiency based on the ratio of ankle systolic pressure to brachial systolic pressure. An ABI of 1.0 indicates absence of arterial insufficiency; an ABI of less than 0.50 indicates severe arterial insufficiency.

ankle-brachial index

The ankle-to-arm ratio of systolic blood pressure, which is useful in diagnosing peripheral arterial disease.

an·kle-bra·chi·al in·dex

(ABI) (ang'kel-brā'kē-ăl in'deks) Objective measurement of arterial insufficiency based on the ratio of ankle systolic pressure to brachial systolic pressure. An ABI of 1.0 indicates absence of arterial insufficiency; an ABI of less than 0.50 indicates severe arterial insufficiency.
Synonym(s): ankle-arm index.