macular retinal dystrophy

mac·u·lar retinal dys·tro·phy

a group of disorders involving predominantly the posterior portion of the ocular fundus, due to degeneration in the sensory layer of the retina, retinal pigment epithelium, Bruch membrane, choroid, or a combination of these tissues. See: Stargardt disease, Best disease.

mac·u·lar ret·i·nal dys·tro·phy

(mak'yū-lahr ret'i-năl dis'trŏ-fē) A group of disorders predominantly involving the posterior portion of the ocular fundus, due to degeneration in the sensory layer of the retina, retinal pigment epithelium, Bruch membrane, choroid, or a combination of these tissues.
See: Stargardt disease, Best disease
Synonym(s): macular dystrophy.