

单词 mad



M0017300 (măd)abbr. mutually assured destruction


M0017300 (măd)adj. mad·der, mad·dest 1. Angry; resentful: was mad about the broken vase. See Synonyms at angry.2. a. Mentally deranged: "afflicted with hypochondria, depression, and fear of going mad" (Carla Cantor).b. Characteristic of mental derangement: mad laughter.c. Temporarily or apparently deranged by violent sensations, emotions, or ideas: was mad with jealousy.3. a. Lacking restraint or reason; foolish: I was mad to have hired her in the first place.b. Feeling or showing strong liking or enthusiasm: mad about sports.c. Marked by a lack of restraint, especially by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation: a mad scramble for the bus.4. Exhibiting uncharacteristic aggressiveness, especially as a result of rabies, spongiform encephalopathy, or another neurological disease. Used of animals: a mad dog; a mad cow.5. Slang a. Excellent; wonderful: It's really mad that they can come.b. Abundant; great: mad respect.tr. & intr.v. mad·ded, mad·ding, mads To make or become mad; madden.adv. Slang Extremely; very: This place is mad cool.Idioms: like mad Informal 1. Wildly; impetuously: drove like mad.2. To an intense degree or great extent: worked like mad; snowing like mad.mad as a hatter/March hare Crazy; mentally deranged.
[Middle English, mentally deranged, rabid, angry, from Old English gemǣdde, past participle of *gemǣdan, to derange mentally, madden, from gemād, mentally deranged; see mei- in Indo-European roots.]
mad′dish adj.


(mæd) adj, madder or maddest1. mentally deranged; insane2. senseless; foolish: a mad idea. 3. (often foll by at) informal angry; resentful4. (foll by: about, on, or over; often postpositive) wildly enthusiastic (about) or fond (of): mad about football; football-mad. 5. extremely excited or confused; frantic: a mad rush. 6. temporarily overpowered by violent reactions, emotions, etc: mad with grief. 7. (Zoology) (of animals)a. unusually ferocious: a mad buffalo. b. afflicted with rabies8. like mad informal with great energy, enthusiasm, or haste; wildly9. mad as a hatter crazily eccentricvb, mads, madding or maddedarchaic to make or become mad; act or cause to act as if mad[Old English gemǣded, past participle of gemǣdan to render insane; related to gemād insane, and to Old High German gimeit silly, crazy, Old Norse meitha to hurt, damage] ˈmaddish adj


(mæd) n acronym for (Military) mutual assured destruction: a theory of nuclear deterrence whereby each side in a conflict has the capacity to destroy the other in retaliation for a nuclear attack



adj. mad•der, mad•dest, adj. 1. mentally disturbed; deranged. 2. greatly provoked or irritated; enraged. 3. affected with rabies; rabid: a mad dog. 4. extremely foolish or illogical; imprudent or irrational: a mad scheme. 5. impetuous: frantic: mad haste. 6. brimming with enthusiasm: mad about opera. 7. wildly frivolous; hilarious: had a mad time at the party. n. 8. an angry period or mood. v.t., v.i. 9. to madden. Idioms: like mad, at a furious pace: rushing around like mad. [before 900; Middle English; Old English gemǣd(e)d, past participle of *gemǣdan to make mad, akin to gemād mad, foolishmei-1] usage: mad has been used in the meaning “enraged, angry” since 1300. Because this sense is sometimes criticized, mad is often replaced byangryin formal contexts:The president is angry at Congress for overriding his veto.


  • gale - A very strong wind, probably related to Old Norse galinn, "frantic, mad."
  • mad as a hatter - Refers to the fact that hat makers suffered mental illness in the old days when they got mercury poisoning from treating fur.
  • madding - In "far from the madding crowd," madding is a poetic survival meaning "wild, furious, raving, mad."
  • rabid, rabies - Rabid and rabies come from Latin rabere, "be mad."


1. 'mad'

In conversation and informal writing, people often describe a foolish action or idea as mad.

Camping in winter was a mad idea.You would be mad to refuse such a great offer.

In conversation, mad is sometimes used to mean 'angry'. If you are mad at someone, you are angry with them.

When she told him she wouldn't go, he got mad.My parents were mad at me for waking them up so early.
2. 'mad about'

If you are mad about something that has happened, you are angry about it.

He's really mad about being lied to.

In conversation, you can say that someone is mad about an activity, when they like it very much.

Her daughter is mad about dancing.The whole family is mad about football.
3. mental illness

If someone has a mental illness that makes them behave in strange ways, don't say that they are 'mad'. You should use the phrase mentally ill.

She spent time in hospital when she was mentally ill.The drug is used to treat mentally ill patients.


Past participle: madded
Gerund: madding
I mad
you mad
he/she/it mads
we mad
you mad
they mad
I madded
you madded
he/she/it madded
we madded
you madded
they madded
Present Continuous
I am madding
you are madding
he/she/it is madding
we are madding
you are madding
they are madding
Present Perfect
I have madded
you have madded
he/she/it has madded
we have madded
you have madded
they have madded
Past Continuous
I was madding
you were madding
he/she/it was madding
we were madding
you were madding
they were madding
Past Perfect
I had madded
you had madded
he/she/it had madded
we had madded
you had madded
they had madded
I will mad
you will mad
he/she/it will mad
we will mad
you will mad
they will mad
Future Perfect
I will have madded
you will have madded
he/she/it will have madded
we will have madded
you will have madded
they will have madded
Future Continuous
I will be madding
you will be madding
he/she/it will be madding
we will be madding
you will be madding
they will be madding
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been madding
you have been madding
he/she/it has been madding
we have been madding
you have been madding
they have been madding
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been madding
you will have been madding
he/she/it will have been madding
we will have been madding
you will have been madding
they will have been madding
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been madding
you had been madding
he/she/it had been madding
we had been madding
you had been madding
they had been madding
I would mad
you would mad
he/she/it would mad
we would mad
you would mad
they would mad
Past Conditional
I would have madded
you would have madded
he/she/it would have madded
we would have madded
you would have madded
they would have madded
Adj.1.mad - roused to angermad - roused to anger; "stayed huffy a good while"- Mark Twain; "she gets mad when you wake her up so early"; "mad at his friend"; "sore over a remark"huffy, sorecolloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechangry - feeling or showing anger; "angry at the weather"; "angry customers"; "an angry silence"; "sending angry letters to the papers"
2.mad - affected with madness or insanitymad - affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad"brainsick, crazy, demented, unhinged, unbalanced, sick, disturbedinsane - afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter"
3.mad - marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotionmad - marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure"delirious, frantic, unrestrained, excitedwild - marked by extreme lack of restraint or control; "wild talk"; "wild parties"
4.mad - very foolishmad - very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains"harebrained, insanefoolish - devoid of good sense or judgment; "foolish remarks"; "a foolish decision"


adjective1. insane, mental (slang), crazy (informal), nuts (slang), bananas (slang), barking (slang), raving, distracted, frantic, frenzied, unstable, crackers (Brit. slang), batty (slang), crazed, lunatic, loony (slang), psychotic, demented, cuckoo (informal), unbalanced, barmy (slang), nutty (slang), deranged, delirious, rabid, bonkers (slang, chiefly Brit.), flaky (U.S. slang), unhinged, loopy (informal), crackpot (informal), out to lunch (informal), round the bend (Brit. slang), aberrant, barking mad (slang), out of your mind, gonzo (slang), screwy (informal), doolally (slang), off your head (slang), off your trolley (slang), round the twist (Brit. slang), up the pole (informal), of unsound mind, as daft as a brush (informal, chiefly Brit.), lost your marbles (informal), not right in the head, non compos mentis (Latin), off your rocker (slang), not the full shilling (informal), off your nut (slang), off your chump (slang), wacko or whacko (informal) the mad old lady down the street
insane rational, sane
2. foolish, absurd, wild, stupid, daft (informal), ludicrous, unreasonable, irrational, unsafe, senseless, preposterous, foolhardy, nonsensical, unsound, inane, imprudent, asinine Isn't that a rather mad idea?
foolish sound, sensible
3. (Informal) angry, cross, furious, irritated, fuming, choked, pissed (U.S. slang), infuriated, raging, ape (slang), incensed, enraged, exasperated, pissed off (taboo slang), irate, livid (informal), berserk, seeing red (informal), incandescent, wrathful, apeshit (slang), fit to be tied (slang), in a wax (informal, chiefly Brit.) I'm pretty mad about it, I can tell you.
angry calm, composed, cool, appeased, mollified
4. enthusiastic, wild, crazy (informal), nuts (slang), keen, hooked, devoted, in love with, fond, daft (informal), ardent, fanatical, avid, impassioned, zealous, infatuated, dotty (slang, chiefly Brit.), enamoured He's mad about you.
enthusiastic uncaring, nonchalant
5. frenzied, wild, excited, energetic, abandoned, agitated, frenetic, uncontrolled, boisterous, full-on (informal), ebullient, gay, riotous, unrestrained The game is a mad dash against the clock.go mad6. become insane, go crazy, lose your mind, lose your reason, go off your trolley (informal) She was afraid of going mad.7. become frenzied, erupt, lose control, boil over, become uncontrollable The audience went mad.8. go berserk, rant and rave, lose your temper, go off the deep end (informal), go crazy, flip your lid (informal), do your nut (Brit. informal), go ape (informal) My dad'll go mad if he finds out.like mad (Informal)9. enthusiastically, wildly, madly, furiously, excitedly, fervently, like crazy (informal), ardently, unrestrainedly, with might and main He was weight training like mad.10. quickly, rapidly, speedily, hell for leather, like lightning, like the clappers (Brit. informal), like nobody's business (informal), like greased lightning (informal) If I am in the street and hear them I run like mad.Quotations
"The mad are all in God's keeping" [Rudyard Kipling Kim]
"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live" [Jack Kerouac On the Road]
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" [Paddy Chayefsky Network]


adjective1. Feeling or showing anger:angry, choleric, indignant.Informal: sore.Idiom: hot under the collar.2. Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness:brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong.Informal: bonkers, cracked, daffy, gaga, loony.Slang: bananas, batty, buggy, cuckoo, fruity, loco, nuts, nutty, screwy, wacky.Chiefly British: crackers.Law: non compos mentis.Idioms: around the bend, crazy as a loon, mad as a hatter, not all there, nutty as a fruitcake, off one's head, off one's rocker, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, sick in the head, stark raving mad.3. So senseless as to be laughable:absurd, foolish, harebrained, idiotic, imbecilic, insane, lunatic, moronic, nonsensical, preposterous, silly, softheaded, tomfool, unearthly, zany.Informal: cockeyed, crazy, loony, loopy.Slang: balmy, dippy, dopey, jerky, sappy, wacky.4. Showing or having enthusiasm:ardent, enthusiastic, fervent, keen, rabid, warm, zealous.Informal: crazy.Slang: gung ho, nuts.5. Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation:delirious, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, wild.Archaic: madding.


(mӕd) adjective1. mentally disturbed or insane. Ophelia went mad; You must be mad. 發瘋的 发疯的2. (sometimes with at or with) very angry. She was mad at me for losing my keys. 氣瘋了 发怒的3. (with about) having a great liking or desire for. I'm just mad about Harry. 極渴望的 入迷的ˈmadly adverb 發瘋地 发疯地ˈmadness noun 瘋狂 疯狂ˈmadden verb to make mad or very angry. The animal was maddened by the pain. 使發瘋,使狂怒 使发疯,使狂怒 ˈmaddening adjective likely to cause anger. maddening delays. 使人惱火的 令人恼怒的,令人发狂的 ˈmaddeningly adverb 使人惱火地 使人恼火地ˈmadmanplural ˈmadmen: feminine ˈmadwoman plural ˈmadwomen noun a person who is insane. He drove/fought like a madman. 狂人, 瘋子 狂人,疯子 mad ˈcow disease noun a fatal disease of cattle, which can affect also humans who eat meat from infected cattle. 狂牛病 狂牛病like mad wildly, desperately, very quickly etc. struggling/trying/running like mad. 發瘋似的 发疯似的


狂怒的zhCN, 疯狂的zhCN


*mad (at someone or something)

angry at someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; make someone ~.) Don't get mad at me. I didn't do it. I got mad at my car. It won't start.
  • (as) mad as a box of frogs
  • (as) mad as a hatter
  • (as) mad as a hornet
  • (as) mad as a March hare
  • (as) mad as a snake
  • (as) mad as a wet hen
  • (as) mad as hops
  • (stark) raving mad
  • a mad rush
  • be (as) mad as a hatter
  • be as mad as a hornet
  • be as mad as a March hare
  • be barking mad
  • be fighting mad
  • be hopping mad
  • be mad about (someone or something)
  • be mad keen
  • be mad keen (on someone or something)
  • be stark raving mad
  • be storming mad
  • boiling mad
  • crazy about
  • crazy about, be
  • don't get mad, get even
  • drive (one) mad
  • drive (someone) mad
  • drive crazy
  • drive someone crazy
  • fighting mad
  • get mad
  • get mad at (someone or something)
  • get mad at something
  • go mad
  • hopping mad
  • hopping mad about (something)
  • hopping mad over (something)
  • I ain't mad at it
  • I'm not mad at it
  • in a mad rush
  • like crazy
  • like crazy/mad
  • like mad
  • mad
  • mad about
  • mad about (someone or something)
  • mad as a
  • mad as a hatter
  • mad as a hornet
  • mad as a March hare
  • mad as a snake
  • mad as a wet hen
  • mad as hell
  • mad enough to chew nails
  • mad enough to chew nails and spit rivets
  • mad enough to eat nails
  • mad enough to kick a cat
  • mad enough to spit
  • mad enough to spit nails
  • mad enough to spit tacks
  • mad money
  • mad rush
  • make (one) mad
  • make mad
  • raving mad/bonkers
  • rip-snorting mad
  • so mad (that) (one) could scream
  • so mad I could scream
  • stark raving mad
  • steaming (mad)
  • storming mad
  • tap dance like mad
  • tap-dance like mad
  • You mad(, bro)?



(mad), This imprecise and outmoded word is best avoided in medical speech and writing. Negative or pejorative connotations may render it offensive in some contexts. A nonmedical, pejorative term for:1. Rabid. 2. Mentally ill; insane. [A.S. gemād]


An antiquated term, now used colloquially, for insane or mentally ill. It should not be used in a professional context, as it bears an offensive and pejorative overtone.
Vox populi-US
(1) Angry.
(2) Rabid, frenetic.


Abbreviation for:
multiple anomalous dispersion


1. Not rational.2. Angry.3. Rash, foolish, frantic.4. Suffering from infection with rabies.



The ISO 4217 currency code for the Moroccan Dirham.


ISO 4217 code for the Moroccan dirham. It was introduced in 1960, replacing the Moroccan franc. It is illegal to export locally circulating dirhams.


MADMutually Assured Destruction
MADMean Absolute Deviation
MADMake A Difference
MADMommy and Daddy (scientists; University of California, San Francisco)
MADMoroccan Dirham (ISO currency code)
MADManufacturing and Design (various locations)
MADMen Are Dumb
MADMusic Art Dance (various organizations)
MADMayhem and Destruction (gaming clan)
MADMy African Dream
MADMastertronic Added Dimension (game publisher)
MADMitotic Arrest Deficient (cells)
MADMandibular Advancement Device (sleep apnea)
MADMothers against Decapentaplegic (protein)
MADModified Atkins Diet
MADMultimedia Art Design (various locations)
MADMpeg Audio Decoder
MADMember Appreciation Day (various organizations)
MADMilitary Appreciation Day
MADMind Altering Drug(s)
MADMicrosoft Access Module
MADMicrosoft Active Directory
MADMuxed Address Delay
MADMemory Access Controller Driver
MADMilitärischer Abschirmdienst (Military Secret Service, Germany)
MADMobile Armor Division
MADMuseum of Arts & Design (formerly American Craft Museum)
MADMid-Atlantic District (various meanings)
MADMesophilic Anaerobic Digestion
MADMean Annual Discharge (stream flow)
MADMultiple Ascending Dose (clinical trials)
MADMedian Absolute Deviation
MADMean And Dirty (Inspector Gadget)
MADMultiwavelength Anomalous Diffraction
MADMathematicians of the African Diaspora (University at Buffalo; New York)
MADMaintien a Domicile (French: Housekeeper)
MADMinimum Approach Distance (electrical safety)
MADMaterial Availability Date
MADMinistry of Administration and Digitalization (Poland)
MADMarket Abuse Directive (UK)
MADMotivated and Determined
MADMean Absolute Difference
MADMosquito Abatement District
MADMilitary Air Distress (US DoD)
MADMyoadenylate Deaminase Deficiency
MADMaster Agility Dog (dog agility title)
MADMusic and Design
MADMotorists Against Detection (UK anti speed camera group)
MADMajor Affective Disorder
MADMaintenance Analysis Data
MADMarine Aviation Detachment
MADMouse Adenovirus
MADMultiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase
MADMultiple Administrative Domain (computing)
MADMadrid, Spain - Barajas (Airport Code)
MADMoisture and Density
MADMichigan Algorithmic Decoder
MADMessage Address Directory
MADMagara Arastirma Dernegi (cave research society, Turkey)
MADMiddle-Aged Dating
MADMagnetic Audio Device
MADMemory Address Driver (BIOS)
MADMontana Association of the Deaf
MADMultiple Access Device
MADMale Approval Desire
MADMine Assembly Depot (US Navy)
MADModify, Adapt, Depend (environment)
MADMy Adorable Darling
MADMothers against the Draft
MADMAC-Address Descriptor (Cisco)
MADMagazine des Arts et du Divertissement (French: Arts and Entertainment Magazine; Belgium)
MADMass Acceleration Diagram
MADMean Administrative Delay (ITU-T)
MADMean Aerodynamic Diameter
MADMaladjusted, Antisocial, and Darn Mean (Tom of Thumb)
MADMini Attack Drone
MADMaintenance Assembly-Disassembly
MADMis-Aligned Die (coinage)
MADMaximum Allowable Delay
MADMaster Account Domain
MADMixed Anxiety and Depression disorder
MADMotorcycle Adventure Destinations
MADMultiaperture Device
MADMedical Anchor Desk
MADMission Area Deficiency
MADManaging Archaeological Data
MADMarina Academic Decathlon (Huntington Beach, California)
MADMaster of Air Defense
MADMargin for Adverse Deviation (finance; also seen as MFAD)
MADMobility and Directories
MADMarket Analysis Dormancy
MADMajor Activity Director
MADMission Area Directorate
MADMilitary Assistance Division (US European Command EUCOM)
MADMilieuAdviesDienst Regionaal (Dutch: regional environment advice service)
MADMaintenance Action Directive
MADMajor Account Designation
MADMaximum Applicable Dose
MADManagement Accounting Division
MADMission Assignment Discret (US Air Force)
MADMagnetic Anomaly Detector/Detection
MADMedia Advertising and Design (various locations)


  • all
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for mad

adj insane


  • insane
  • mental
  • crazy
  • nuts
  • bananas
  • barking
  • raving
  • distracted
  • frantic
  • frenzied
  • unstable
  • crackers
  • batty
  • crazed
  • lunatic
  • loony
  • psychotic
  • demented
  • cuckoo
  • unbalanced
  • barmy
  • nutty
  • deranged
  • delirious
  • rabid
  • bonkers
  • flaky
  • unhinged
  • loopy
  • crackpot
  • out to lunch
  • round the bend
  • aberrant
  • barking mad
  • out of your mind
  • gonzo
  • screwy
  • doolally
  • off your head
  • off your trolley
  • round the twist
  • up the pole
  • of unsound mind
  • as daft as a brush
  • lost your marbles
  • not right in the head
  • non compos mentis
  • off your rocker
  • not the full shilling
  • off your nut
  • off your chump
  • wacko or whacko


  • rational
  • sane

adj foolish


  • foolish
  • absurd
  • wild
  • stupid
  • daft
  • ludicrous
  • unreasonable
  • irrational
  • unsafe
  • senseless
  • preposterous
  • foolhardy
  • nonsensical
  • unsound
  • inane
  • imprudent
  • asinine


  • sound
  • sensible

adj angry


  • angry
  • cross
  • furious
  • irritated
  • fuming
  • choked
  • pissed
  • infuriated
  • raging
  • ape
  • incensed
  • enraged
  • exasperated
  • pissed off
  • irate
  • livid
  • berserk
  • seeing red
  • incandescent
  • wrathful
  • apeshit
  • fit to be tied
  • in a wax


  • calm
  • composed
  • cool
  • appeased
  • mollified

adj enthusiastic


  • enthusiastic
  • wild
  • crazy
  • nuts
  • keen
  • hooked
  • devoted
  • in love with
  • fond
  • daft
  • ardent
  • fanatical
  • avid
  • impassioned
  • zealous
  • infatuated
  • dotty
  • enamoured


  • uncaring
  • nonchalant

adj frenzied


  • frenzied
  • wild
  • excited
  • energetic
  • abandoned
  • agitated
  • frenetic
  • uncontrolled
  • boisterous
  • full-on
  • ebullient
  • gay
  • riotous
  • unrestrained

phrase go mad: become insane


  • become insane
  • go crazy
  • lose your mind
  • lose your reason
  • go off your trolley

phrase go mad: become frenzied


  • become frenzied
  • erupt
  • lose control
  • boil over
  • become uncontrollable

phrase go mad: go berserk


  • go berserk
  • rant and rave
  • lose your temper
  • go off the deep end
  • go crazy
  • flip your lid
  • do your nut
  • go ape

phrase enthusiastically


  • enthusiastically
  • wildly
  • madly
  • furiously
  • excitedly
  • fervently
  • like crazy
  • ardently
  • unrestrainedly
  • with might and main

phrase quickly


  • quickly
  • rapidly
  • speedily
  • hell for leather
  • like lightning
  • like the clappers
  • like nobody's business
  • like greased lightning

Synonyms for mad

adj feeling or showing anger


  • angry
  • choleric
  • indignant
  • sore

adj afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness


  • brainsick
  • crazy
  • daft
  • demented
  • disordered
  • distraught
  • dotty
  • insane
  • lunatic
  • maniac
  • maniacal
  • mentally ill
  • moonstruck
  • off
  • touched
  • unbalanced
  • unsound
  • wrong
  • bonkers
  • cracked
  • daffy
  • gaga
  • loony
  • bananas
  • batty
  • buggy
  • cuckoo
  • fruity
  • loco
  • nuts
  • nutty
  • screwy
  • wacky
  • crackers
  • non compos mentis

adj so senseless as to be laughable


  • absurd
  • foolish
  • harebrained
  • idiotic
  • imbecilic
  • insane
  • lunatic
  • moronic
  • nonsensical
  • preposterous
  • silly
  • softheaded
  • tomfool
  • unearthly
  • zany
  • cockeyed
  • crazy
  • loony
  • loopy
  • balmy
  • dippy
  • dopey
  • jerky
  • sappy
  • wacky

adj showing or having enthusiasm


  • ardent
  • enthusiastic
  • fervent
  • keen
  • rabid
  • warm
  • zealous
  • crazy
  • gung ho
  • nuts

adj marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation


  • delirious
  • frantic
  • frenetic
  • frenzied
  • wild
  • madding

Synonyms for mad

adj roused to anger


  • huffy
  • sore

Related Words

  • colloquialism
  • angry

adj affected with madness or insanity


  • brainsick
  • crazy
  • demented
  • unhinged
  • unbalanced
  • sick
  • disturbed

Related Words

  • insane

adj marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion


  • delirious
  • frantic
  • unrestrained
  • excited

Related Words

  • wild

adj very foolish


  • harebrained
  • insane

Related Words

  • foolish




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