释义 |
lapsmore than one lap: She swam five laps in the pool. My cat sits in the laps of all of my guests whether they like her or not. Not to be confused with:lapse – a temporary deviation; a slip or error: a lapse of judgment; discontinuance due to a late payment: She let her insurance lapse.lap 1 L0046000 (lăp)n.1. a. The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.b. The portion of a garment that covers the lap.2. A hanging or flaplike part, especially of a garment.3. An area of responsibility, interest, or control: an opportunity that dropped in his lap.Idiom: the lap of luxury Conditions of great affluence or material comfort: an heiress living in the lap of luxury. [Middle English lappe, lappet, lap, from Old English læppa, lappet.] lap′ful′ n.
lap 2 L0046000 (lăp)v. lapped, lap·ping, laps v.tr.1. a. To place or lay (something) so as to overlap another: lapped the roof tiles so that water would run off.b. To lie partly over or on: each shingle lapping the next; shadows that lapped the wall.2. To fold (something) over onto itself: a cloth edge that had been lapped and sewn to make a hem.3. To wrap or wind around (something); encircle.4. To envelop in something; swathe: models who were lapped in expensive furs.5. To join (pieces, as of wood) by means of a scarf or lap joint.6. Sports To get ahead of (an opponent) in a race by one or more complete circuits of the course, as in running, or by two or more lengths of a pool in swimming.7. To convert (cotton or other fibers) into a sheet or layer.8. a. To polish (a surface) until smooth.b. To hone (two mating parts) against each other until closely fitted.v.intr.1. To lie partly on or over something; overlap.2. To form a lap or fold.3. To wind around or enfold something.n.1. a. A part that overlaps.b. The amount by which one part overlaps another.2. a. One complete round or circuit, especially of a racetrack.b. One complete length of a straight course, as of a swimming pool.3. A segment or stage, as of a trip.4. a. A length, as of rope, required to make one complete turn around something.b. The act of lapping or encircling.5. A continuous band or layer of cotton, flax, or other fiber.6. A wheel, disk, or slab of leather or metal, either stationary or rotating, used for polishing and smoothing. [Middle English lappen, from lappe, lap, lappet; see lap1.]
lap 3 L0046000 (lăp)v. lapped, lap·ping, laps v.tr.1. To take in (a liquid or food) by lifting it with the tongue.2. To wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds: waves lapping the side of the boat.v.intr.1. To take in a liquid or food with the tongue.2. To wash against something with soft liquid sounds.n.1. a. The act or an instance of lapping.b. The amount taken in by lapping.2. The sound of lapping.3. A watery food or drink.Phrasal Verb: lap up To receive eagerly or greedily: lapping up praise. [Middle English lapen, from Old English lapian.]EncyclopediaSeelapMedicalSeeLAPLAPS
Acronym | Definition |
LAPS➣Los Alamos Public Schools (New Mexico) | LAPS➣Local Administrator Password Solution (Microsoft) | LAPS➣Line Array Prediction Software | LAPS➣Link Access Procedure Sdh | LAPS➣Langley Animal Protection Society (Canada) | LAPS➣Los Angeles Printmaking Society (Los Angeles, CA) | LAPS➣Link Access Procedure for SDH | LAPS➣Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensor | LAPS➣LAN Adapter and Protocol Support | LAPS➣Limited Area Prediction System | LAPS➣Los Angeles Poly Support | LAPS➣Lakewood Area Paranormal Society (California) | LAPS➣Limited Area Prediction Scheme | LAPS➣Laptop ASW Prediction System | LAPS➣Low Altitude Proximity Sensor | LAPS➣Linear Automatic Protection Switch | LAPS➣On Line Arrest Processing System (NYPD) | LAPS➣Lark Angling Preservation Society (Mildenhall Suffolk, England) |