lapsang souchong

lap·sang sou·chong

L5051050 (läp′säng′ so͞o′shông′)n. A variety of Chinese black tea having a smoky flavor imparted by withering and drying the leaves over fires of pine or other resinous trees.
[Perhaps Amoy lāusiǒng, literally, venerable pine (Amoy lāu, venerable, from Middle Chinese law´; also the source of Mandarin lǎo, aged, venerable + Amoy siông, pine, from Middle Chinese sɦywŋ; also the source of Mandarin sōng) + souchong.]

Lapsang Souchong

(ˈlæpsæŋ suːˈʃɒŋ) n (Cookery) a large-leafed variety of China tea with a slightly smoky flavour