National Clinical Governance Priorities
National Clinical Governance Priorities
An area of clinical governance for which the UK’s Department of Health (DoH) has a particular interest. There are 7 national priorities (quality domains), each with core standards (which all NHS trusts are expected to meet) and developmental standards (which trusts are to work towards meeting) as outlined in the DoH document National Standards, Local Action: Health and Social Care Standards and Planning Framework.National Clinical Governance Priorities, domain outcomes
Patient safety is enhanced through healthcare processes, working practices and systemic activities that prevent or reduce the risk of harm.
Clinical and Cost Effectiveness
Patients achieve health benefits that meet their individual needs through clinical translation of evidence-based research.
Managerial and clinical leadership and accountability, as well as the organisation’s culture, systems and working practices, ensure that probity, quality assurance, quality improvement and patient safety are central to all activities of the health care organisation.
Patient Focus
Healthcare is provided in partnership with patients, their carers and relatives, respecting their diverse needs, preferences and choices, and in partnership with other organisations (including social care organisations) whose services impact on patient well-being.
Accessible and Responsive Care
Patients have choice in access to services and treatments, with no unnecessary delay at any stage of service delivery or of the care pathway.
Care Environment and Amenities
Care is provided in environments that promote patient and staff well-being and respect for patients’ needs and preferences, in that they are designed for the effective and safe delivery of treatment, care or a specific function, provide as much privacy as possible, are well maintained and are cleaned to optimise health outcomes.
Public Health
Programmes and services are designed and delivered in collaboration with all relevant organisations and communities to promote, protect and improve the health of the population served and reduce health inequalities between different population groups and areas.