Laramide Orogeny

Laramide orogeny

[′lar·ə·məd ȯ′räj·ə·nē] (geology) Laramidian orogeny

Laramide Orogeny


the aggregate of geological processes in the late Cretaceous and early Paleogene periods, including tectonic deformations, magmatism, and mountain building. It is named after the Laramie range in the eastern part of the Rocky Mountains (USA), where it was the principal age of formation of the folded-overthrust structure. It also manifested itself in the Andes in South America, in the Sikhote-Alin’, western Kamchatka, the basin of the Anadyr’ River, and in a number of folded mountain systems of the alpine belt in Eurasia. There, however, it was accompanied by younger movements. Major batholithic intrusions and small granitoid bodies and the mineralization accompanying them are associated with the Laramide orogeny.