
ARRAMEUR, maritime law. The name of an ancient officer of a port, whosebusiness was to load and unload vessels.
2. In the Laws of Oleron, art 11, (published in English in the App. to1 Pet. Adm. R. xxv.) some account of arrameurs will be found in these words:"There were formerly, in several ports of Guyenne, certain officers calledarrameurs, or stowers, who were master-carpenters by profession, and werepaid by the merchants, who loaded the ship. Their business was to disposeright, and Stow closely, all goods in casks, bales, boxes, bundles orotherwise to balance both sides, to fill up the vacant spaces, and manageevery thing to the best advantage. It was riot but that the greatest part ofthe ship's crew understood this as well as these stowers but they would notmeddle with it, nor undertake it, to avoid falling under the merchant'sdispleasure, or being accountable for any ill accident that might.happen bythat means. There were also sacquiers, who were very ancient officers, asmay be seen in the 14th book of the Theodosian code, Unica de SaccariisPortus Romae, lib. 14. Their business was to load and unload vessels loadedwith salt, corn, or fish, to prevent the ship's crew defrauding the merchantby false tale, or cheating him of his merchandise otherwise." See Sacquier;Stevedore.