Liszt, Franz Von

Liszt, Franz Von


Born Mar. 2, 1851, in Vienna; died June 21, 1919, in Seeheim, Austria. Austrian lawyer, specialist in international and criminal law. Professor of criminal law at the universities of Giessen (from 1879), Marburg (from 1882), Halle-Wittenberg (from 1889), and Berlin.

Liszt was one of the founders of the international union of criminalists and of the journal Zeitschrift für die gesamte Stra-frechtswissenschaft. He was a representative of the sociological school of criminal law. Liszt wrote many works on issues of criminal law, including a two-volume course (1891) and the book International Law: A Systematic Account (1898). In Russian translation this book went through six editions, the most famous of which was the edition of 1926, edited by the Soviet scholar V. E. Grabar’.