NCNCNational Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons
NCNCNo-Cost, No-Commitment (India)
NCNCNational Committee of Negro Churchmen (est. 1967; Dallas, TX)
NCNCNational Council of Nigerian Citizens
NCNCNew Churches for New Communities (Anglican Diocese of Sydney; Sydney, Australia)
NCNCNorthern California Nevada Conference
NCNCNewfoundland Club of Northern California
NCNCNorthern California Nanotechnology Center (University of California, Davis)
NCNCNew Canaan Nature Center (Connecticut)
NCNCNorth Central Newfoundland Club
NCNCNepal Center of North Carolina
NCNCNepalese Community Network of Canada
NCNCNational Curriculum Network Conference
NCNCNational Captive Nations Committee
NCNCNo Contribution No Chop (album by Senior Eddie Donkor)
NCNCNational Cultural Network of the Cities (Greece)
NCNCNo Contact, No Complaint (law enforcement)