Acronym | Definition |
NCO➣Non-Commissioned Officer (military) |
NCO➣Network Centric Operations |
NCO➣No Cost Option (various companies) |
NCO➣Net Capital Outflow (finance) |
NCO➣NCEP Central Operations |
NCO➣Novell Console One |
NCO➣Naming Context Object |
NCO➣Nalu Client Object |
NCO➣Nero Compressed File |
NCO➣Numerically Controlled Oscillator |
NCO➣Navy College Office |
NCO➣No-Contact Order |
NCO➣Net Charge-Offs |
NCO➣Norwegian Chamber Orchestra (Norway) |
NCO➣National Children's Orchestra (UK) |
NCO➣Nashville Chamber Orchestra (Nashville, TN) |
NCO➣New Chamber Opera (UK) |
NCO➣Noncombat Operations |
NCO➣National Chamber Orchestra |
NCO➣Number of Calls Offered (call centers) |
NCO➣Naming Context Object (computing) |
NCO➣Nephenzy Chaos Order (band) |
NCO➣non-covered officer (US CIA) |
NCO➣Net Control Officer |
NCO➣Negotiated Consent Order |
NCO➣National Collection Office, Inc (Horsham, PA) |
NCO➣Nusantara Chamber Orchestra (Indonesia) |
NCO➣Nuclear Control Operator |
NCO➣National Coordination Office for the HPCC Program |
NCO➣NEPA Compliance Office(r) |
NCO➣Nigeria Country Office (Kaduna, Nigera) |
NCO➣National Capital Orchestra (formerly the Canberra Community Orchestra) |
NCO➣Neighborhood Compliance Officer |