Nut Wrench

Nut Wrench


a manual machine with an electric or pneumatic drive used in assembling or disassembling threaded connectors.

Nut wrenches are divided into those employing static effect and of those employing impact effect. Static wrenches are mainly used in assembly work with conveyors. Because of their considerable weight, static wrenches must be especially suspended. An important disadvantage of such nut wrenches is that the recoil action is transmitted to the worker’s hands. These wrenches are used in screwing threads of diameters up to 16 mm. Nut wrenches of this type have a constant torque.

Impact wrenches are not as heavy as static wrenches, and they do not transmit recoil action to worker’s hands. A disadvantage is the variability of the torque. They are used in screwing threads of diameters up to 60 mm.