Large Black Hog
Large Black Hog
a breed of swine of universal use developed in England at the beginning of the 19th century by cross-breeding a local long-eared breed with the Neapolitan and the China Black.
The Large Black was imported to the USSR from the German Democratic Republic and is raised as a planned breed. The breed is of the meat-lard type, with a strong constitution. It is fattened for pork, bacon, and lard. The adult boars weigh 250–300 (to 400) kg; the sows, 200–220 (to 300) kg. The sows produce ten or 12 shoats per farrow, with 60–70 kg of milk. A young pig being fattened for meat reaches 90–100 kg at six or seven months (consuming 4.5 feed units per kg weight gained). Purebred Large Blacks are raised at pedigree breeding sovkhozes in the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, and the Byelorussian SSR and are commercially crossbred with Large Whites. In England, the Large Black is raised principally for crossbreeding with the Large White. In Central Europe, the Large Black is known as the Cornwall.