Nikolai Alekseevich Bogoraz

Bogoraz, Nikolai Alekseevich


Born Feb. 1 (13), 1874, in Taganrog; died July 15, 1952, in Moscow. Soviet surgeon. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1936).

Bogoraz graduated from Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg in 1897. He was a professor at the University of Warsaw from 1912 until 1918, when he was transferred to Rostov-on-Don with the medical subdepartment of this university. From 1941 to 1943 he was chief surgeon of evacuation hospitals in Tashkent. He was chairman of the subdepartment of faculty surgery of the Second Moscow Medical Institute (1943) and at the same time chief surgeon of the Main Hospital of the Armed Forces of the USSR. His principal works dealt with surgery of the bones and joints and military traumatology. Bogoraz developed several methods for the suturing of blood vessels, surgical changes in the length of the extremities, and other techniques. He became particularly famous for his work on the transplanting and repair of functional organs. He received the State Prize of the USSR in 1950.


O chastichnykh amputatsiiakh stopy v funktsional’nom otnoshenii. Tomsk, 1909. (Dissertation.)
Lektsiipo klinicheskoi khirurgii. Rostov-on-Don, 1925.
Povrezhdeniia krovenosnykh sosudov pri voenno-polevykh raneniiakh. Kharkov, 1935.


lubileinyi khirurgicheskii sbornik N. A. Bogoraza: XXX, 1897–1927. Rostov-on-Don, 1928.
Gorelik, S. L. “Nikolai Alekseevich Bogoraz.” [On his 75th birthday.] Khirurgiia, 1950, no. 4.
Vostanovitel’naia khirurgiia: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov posviashchennyi N. A. Bogorazu. Rostov-on-Don, 1967.