Nikolai Alekseevich Kablukov
Kablukov, Nikolai Alekseevich
Born Oct 5 (17), 1849, in the village of Marfino, in present-day Mytishchi Raion, Moscow Oblast; died Oct. 17, 1919, in Moscow, Russian economist, statistician, and public figure. Kablukov became a doctor of political economy and statistics in 1895 and a professor in 1903.
In 1871, Kablukov graduated from Moscow University. From 1874 to 1879 he worked in the Statistics Division of the Zemstvo Board (zemstvos were bodies of local self-government). From 1879 to 1881 he traveled abroad. In London he met K. Marx, F. Engels, and A. Bebel. From 1882 to 1885 he was involved in many joint statistical investigations and contributed to such journals as Iuridicheskii vestnik (Juridical Herald) and Russkaia mysl’ (Russian Thought) and such newspapers as Zemstvo, Mos-kovskii telegraf, and Russkii kur’er. From 1885 to 1907 he was the head of the Statistics Division of the Moscow Province Zemstvo Board. From 1894 to 1919 he taught at Moscow University, becoming the head of the statistics subdepartment in 1903. After the Great October Revolution, Kablukov was elected chairman of the Executive Commission of the All-Russian Congresses of Statisticians and chairman of the Council on Statistical Affairs of the Central Statistical Board (1918).
In his views, Kablukov was a Narodnik (Populist) economist. He defended the idea of the “stability” of small peasant farming in Russia. His views were sharply criticized by Lenin, especially in The Development of Capitalism in Russia (see Poln. sobr. sock, 5th ed., vol. 3, pp. 206–09, 247–52, 495–506, 536–41).
Sbornik statisticheskikh svedenii po Moskovskoi gub., vols. 2, 3, 5, fasc. 1. Moscow, 1878–79. (Introductory articles, commentary, and some of the tables by Kablukov.)Vopros o rabochikh v seVskom khoziaistve.Moscow, 1884.
Lektsii po ekonomii seVskogo khoziaistva.Moscow, 1897.
Ob usloviiakh razvitiia kresVianskogo khoziaistva v Rossii, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1908. (Doctoral dissertation.)
Statistika, 5th ed. Moscow, 1922.
Melkoe khoziaistvo i kooperatsiia.Moscow, 1917.
Politicheskaia ekonomiia.Moscow, 1918.
Zadachi i sposoby sobiraniia statisticheskikh svedenii.Moscow, 1920.
PamiatiN. A. Kablukova, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1925–27. (Collection of articles.)Svavitskaia, Z. M. “Moskovskii universitet i zemskaia statistika.” In Ocherki po istorii statistiki SSSR: Sbornik 2. Moscow, 1957.