

单词 amoebic dysentery

amoebic dysentery

amoebic dysentery

n. Variant of amebic dysentery.

amoebic dysentery

n (Pathology) inflammation of the intestines caused by the parasitic amoeba Endamoeba histolytica
Noun1.amoebic dysentery - inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolyticaamoebic dysentery - inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrheaamebic dysenterydysentery - an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrheaamebiasis, amebiosis, amoebiasis, amoebiosis - infection by a disease-causing ameba

amoebic dysentery

amoebic dysentery

n. Variant of amebic dysentery.

amoebic dysentery

An acute, inflammatory infection of the COLON caused by the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica , characterized by ulceration of the lining with pain and diarrhoea. The amoebae undermine the bowel lining, enter the veins in the wall of the intestine, and are carried to the liver where they may cause large abscesses.

amoebic dysentery

Related to amoebic dysentery: bacillary dysentery, malaria
  • noun

Synonyms for amoebic dysentery

noun inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica


  • amebic dysentery

Related Words

  • dysentery
  • amebiasis
  • amebiosis
  • amoebiasis
  • amoebiosis




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