Nikolai Burenin

Burenin, Nikolai Evgen’evich


Born Dec. 5 (17), 1874; died June 30, 1962. Participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia. Born in St. Petersburg into a wealthy merchant’s family.

Burenin graduated from a school of commerce and finished three years at the Art Academy. He entered the revolutionary movement in 1901. He completed responsible assignments for the Bolshevik Party, including missions in which he forwarded illegal Social Democratic literature and weapons from abroad to Russia, managed underground printshops and literature warehouses, arranged secret addresses, and obtained funds for Party purposes; he also organized border crossings for delegates of the fourth and fifth party congresses. During the Revolution of 1905-07 he was one of the organizers and a member of the combat technology group under the Central Committee of the RSDLP. On assignment from the party he accompanied M. Gorky on his trip to the USA in 1906. He was repeatedly subjected to repressions. After the October Revolution he worked in the Commissariat of Theaters and Spectacles, then in the theater section of the department of public education of the Petrograd Soviet. In 1921 he became deputy trade representative of the RSFSR in Finland and subsequently worked in the Soviet trade mission in Germany. In 1935 he retired on a pension. He did literary work and was a member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


Pamiatnye gody: Vospominaniia. Leningrad, 1961.