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orthopoxvirus [or´tho-poks-vi″rus] any member of a genus of poxviruses, including the viruses that cause human smallpox and vaccinia.Or·tho·pox·vi·rus (ōr'thō-poks'vī-rŭs), The genus of the family Poxviridae, which comprises the viruses of alastrim, vaccinia, variola, cowpox, ectromelia, monkeypox, and rabbitpox.Or·tho·pox·vi·rus (ōr'thō-poks'vī'rŭs) The genus of the family Poxviridae that comprises the Alastrim, Vaccinia, Variola, Cowpox, Ectromelia, Monkeypox, and Rabbitpox viruses. OrthopoxvirusThe genus of viruses that includes monkeypox, smallpox, cowpox, and camelpox.Mentioned in: Monkeypox |