autoerythrocyte sensitization


 [sen″sĭ-tĭ-za´shun] 1. immunization.2. exposure to allergen that results in the development of hypersensitivity.3. the coating of erythrocytes with antibody so that they are subject to lysis by complement in the presence of homologous antigen, the first stage of a complement fixation test.autoerythrocyte sensitization see autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome.

au·to·e·ryth·ro·cyte sen·si·ti·za·tion syn·drome

a condition, usually occurring in women, in which the person bruises easily (purpura simplex) and the ecchymoses tend to enlarge and involve adjacent tissues, resulting in pain in the affected parts; so called because similar lesions are produced by inoculation of the person's blood or various components of red blood cells and it is thought to be a form of localized autosensitization, although no specific antibodies have been demonstrable. Synonym(s): Gardner-Diamond syndrome

autoerythrocyte sensitization

A syndrome characterized by the spontaneous appearance of painful ecchymoses, usually at the site of a bruise. The areas itch and burn. The condition is commonly associated with headache, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally with intracranial, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal bleeding. With few exceptions, the disorder affects women of middle age. The cause is assumed to be autosensitivity to a component of the red blood cell membrane. There is no specific therapy. Synonym: purpura; psychogenicSee also: sensitization