
lark 1

L0053200 (lärk)n.1. Any of various birds of the family Alaudidae, found almost worldwide and having a melodious song, especially the skylark.2. Any of several similar birds, such as the meadowlark.
[Middle English laveroc, larke, from Old English lāwerce.]

lark 2

L0053200 (lärk)n.1. A carefree or spirited adventure.2. A harmless prank.intr.v. larked, lark·ing, larks To engage in spirited fun or merry pranks.
[Short for skylark, to frolic, or alteration of dialectal lake, play (from Middle English leik, laik, from Old Norse leikr).]
lark′er n.lark′ish adj.lark′y adj.


(ˈlɑːkɪ) adj, larkier or larkiestfrolicsome or mischievous