Mad Hatter syndrome

Mad Hat·ter syn·drome

gastrointestinal and central nervous system manifestations of chronic mercury poisoning, including stomatitis, diarrhea, ataxia, tremor, hyperreflexia, sensorineural impairment, and emotional instability; previously seen in workers in felt hat manufacturing who put mercury-containing material in their mouths to make it more pliable. [fr. char. in Alice in Wonderland]
A descriptor for the neuropsychiatric component of chronic mercuric nitrate poisoning, which is clinically similar to prolonged exposure to mercury vapor, erethism

Mad Hat·ter syn·drome

(mad hat'ĕr sin'drōm) Gastrointestinal and central nervous system manifestations of chronic mercury poisoning, including stomatitis, diarrhea, ataxia, tremor, hyperreflexia, sensorineural impairment, and emotional instability; previously seen in workers in lead manufacturing who put material that contains mercury in their mouths to make the material more pliable. [fr. char. in Alice in Wonderland]