Musset sign

Musset sign

Cardiology A sign of aortic regurgitation, and pulsating aortic aneurysms due to ↑ pulse pressure, characterized by head bobbing that coincides with the pulse. See Aortic regurgitation.

Mus·set sign

(mū-sā' sīn) A finding involving incompetence of the aortic valve, rhythmic nodding of the head, synchronous with ventricular contractions of the heart.
Synonym(s): de Musset sign.

Musset sign

(mu-sā′) [Louis C. A. de Musset, Fr. poet, 1810–1857] Repetitive jerking movements of the head and neck, in synchrony with ventricular contractions of the heart, seen in advanced aortic regurgitation or aortic aneurysm.


L.C. Alfred de, French poet, 1810-1857. de Musset sign - Synonym(s): Musset signMusset sign - in incompetence of the aortic valve, rhythmical nodding of the head, synchronous with the heart beat. Synonym(s): de Musset sign