- Big mustaches that made him look like an animated mushroom —Arthur Train
- A black mustache like the lowered wings of a crow —Carolyn Chute
- A curled-up mustache, like two little rolls of barbed wire —Joyce Cary
- A gray handlebar mustache with oiled points, like the long horns of an ox —Ira Wood
- His mustache sags … like a bat —Carolyn Chute
- His white mustache, of thin separate hairs like glass threads —Joyce Cary
- His yellow-to-brown mustache quivered and preened over his mouth like a sparrow’s wing shaking off dust —Paul Horgan
- The insignificant mustache trembled like a twig in a storm —Jonathan Kellerman
- A light mustache that flourished upwards as if blown that way by the breath of a constant smile —Henry James
- A little black mustache like an eyebrow —George Du Maurier
- Little circumflex accent mustache … like a black butterfly placed under his nose —Romain Gary
- Little mustaches stiffened like a pointer’s tail when he scents a bird —Arthur Train
- A man without a mustache is like a woman with only one breast —M. M. Liberman
- Mustache … black as India ink and big as the switch on a cow’s tail —James Crumley
- Mustache … black, like a charcoal smear on his upper lip —Paige Mitchell
- Mustache bristled like intractable gorse —Frank Swinnerton
- Mustache curling like a sultan’s —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
- Mustache cut short like a worn-out brush —Henry James
- Mustache hanging heavy as a pelt —Carolyn Chute
- Mustache like a soft black mouse —Ann Tyler
- A mustache resting like a small white cloud beneath his undistinguished nose —F. Scott Fitzgerald
- A mustache shadowing either side of his lip with a broad sweep, like a bird’s wing —William Dean Howells
- (The faded) mustaches hung like crossed pistols above his radiant smile —Eudora Welty
- Mustache … thick and neat as a bristle brush —Ira Wood
- Mustache … thin and straight like it was painted on —George Garrett
- White mustache like a Viking’s —Jo Bannister