

or Bil·dungs·ro·man B0246500 (bĭl′do͝ongz-rō-män′, -do͝ongks-)n. A novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character.
[German : Bildung, formation (from Middle High German bildunge, from Old High German bildunga, from bilidōn, to shape, from bilōdi, form, shape) + Roman, novel (from French, a story in the vernacular, novel; see roman).]


(ˈbɪldʊŋsromaːn) n (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a novel concerned with a person's formative years and development[literally: education novel]


(ˈbɪl dʊŋz roʊˌmɑn, -dʊŋks-)

n. a novel dealing with the maturation of its protagonist. [1905–10; < German]


A German word meaning education novel, used to mean a novel about a person’s formative experiences.