Acronym | Definition |
NRA➣National Rifle Association |
NRA➣National Restaurant Association |
NRA➣National Recreation Area (US National Park Service) |
NRA➣National Roads Authority (Ireland) |
NRA➣National Register of Archives |
NRA➣Nuclear Regulation Authority (Japan) |
NRA➣National Recovery Administration |
NRA➣Naczelnej Rady Adwokackiej (Polish: Superior Council Bar Association) |
NRA➣NASA Research Announcement |
NRA➣National Record of Achievement (education; UK) |
NRA➣Normal Retirement Age |
NRA➣National Research Agenda |
NRA➣Nitrate Reductase Activity (botany) |
NRA➣National Recovery Act |
NRA➣Nero Audio |
NRA➣Network Risk Management Association |
NRA➣National Resistance Army (Uganda) |
NRA➣Non-Resident Alien |
NRA➣Natural Resource Area |
NRA➣National Regulatory Agency |
NRA➣National Regulatory Authority |
NRA➣National Registration Authority (Australia) |
NRA➣National Rehabilitation Association |
NRA➣National Rivers Authority (UK) |
NRA➣Nœuds de Raccordement d’Abonnés (France Telecom) |
NRA➣Nuclear Reaction Analysis |
NRA➣Net Rentable Area |
NRA➣Nouvelle Réglementation Acoustique (French: New Acoustic Regulations; sound insulation) |
NRA➣National Renderers Association |
NRA➣Neatkariga Rita Avize (Latvian: Independent Morning Newspaper) |
NRA➣National Reform Association |
NRA➣Naval Reserve Association |
NRA➣National Revolutionary Army (Republic of China) |
NRA➣National Rodeo Association (Australia) |
NRA➣Northern Rivers Area (Australia) |
NRA➣National Recreation Association |
NRA➣Neighborhood Retail Alliance |
NRA➣Natural Resources and Agriculture (various organizations) |
NRA➣Naval Radio Activity (US Navy) |
NRA➣Network Readiness Assessment |
NRA➣National Reserve Account |
NRA➣Nippon Ramen Association (Japan) |
NRA➣Network Resource Architecture |
NRA➣Nippon Romantist Association (Nippon, Japan) |
NRA➣Nachos, Rifles & Alcohol (Simpsons) |
NRA➣Niagara Redevelopment Act |
NRA➣National Railway Authority |
NRA➣National Ringworm Association (The Simpsons) |
NRA➣Nuclear Resonant Absorption |
NRA➣Occupation Postal Tax (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately) |
NRA➣National Rocketry Association |
NRA➣Netherlands Racquetball Association |
NRA➣NATO Refugees Agency |
NRA➣National Rail Association |
NRA➣Non-Refundable Amount |
NRA➣Nonregistered Accountable |
NRA➣Naked Run Association (Ireland) |
NRA➣No Repair Action |
NRA➣Navy Reporting Activity |
NRA➣Neural Representational Assembly |
NRA➣Non Resident American |
NRA➣Net Rate Analysis |
NRA➣National Ronin Award |