MADPMobile Application Development Platform (software; various companies)
MADPManaging the Application Development Process
MADPMissourians to Abolish the Death Penalty
MADPMain Air Display Plot (US Navy)
MADPMedicinal, Aromatic and Dye Plants
MADPMateriel Acquisition Decision Process
MADPMission Area Development Plan
MADPMemory Address and Data Path
MADPMutual Aggression & Defence Pact
MADPManaging the Application Development Process (IBM project management approach)
MADPMILES Adaptive Digital Processor
MADPMaster Air Defense Plan
MADPMean Absolute Deviation Percentage
MADPMajor Acquisition Decision Point
MADPManufacturing Affordability Development Program
MADPMedicare Advantage Disenrollment Period (US DHHS)