laryngeal cavity

laryngeal cavity

[TA] a cavity that is continuous above with the pharynx at the level of the aryepiglottic folds (laryngeal inlet) and extends downward through the rima glottidis to the infraglottic space. Synonym(s): cavitas laryngis [TA], cavity of larynx, cavum laryngis

laryngeal cavity

The hollow inside the larynx from its inlet at the laryngopharynx to the beginning of the trachea. It has three segments (from top to bottom): vestibule of the larynx, ventricle of the larynx, infraglottic cavity. See also: cavity

la·ryn·ge·al cav·i·ty

(lă-rinjē-ăl kavi-tē) [TA] Cavity continuous above with the pharynx at the level of the aryepiglottic folds and extends downward through the rima glottidis to the infraglottic space.
Synonym(s): cavity of larynx.