laryngeal saccule


 [sak´ūl] 1. a little bag, sac, or pouch.2. the smaller of the two divisions of the membranous labyrinth" >labyrinth, which communicates with the cochlear duct by way of the ductus reuniens.laryngeal saccule sacculus laryngis.

laryngeal saccule

[TA] a small diverticulum provided with mucous glands extending upward from the ventricle of the larynx between the vestibular fold and the lamina of the thyroid cartilage; it is a vestigial structure, being a much larger structure interdigitating with the neck musculature in some of the great apes, where it serves as a resonating chamber. Synonym(s): sacculus laryngis [TA], appendix ventriculi laryngis, Hilton sac, laryngeal pouch, saccule of larynx

la·ryn·ge·al sac·cule

(lă-rinjē-ăl sakyūl) [TA] Small diverticulum provided with mucous glands extending upward from ventricle of larynx between vestibular fold and lamina of thyroid cartilage.
Synonym(s): saccule of larynx.