Little Big Horn Days
Little Big Horn Days
The battle reenactment is performed by more than 200 Indian and cavalry riders. Among them are descendants of the Indian scouts who rode with Colonel George Armstrong Custer, who led more than 200 men to battle and to death. The pageant is based on the notes and outline prepared by Joe Medicine Crow, a tribal historian, and was originally sponsored by the Crow Agency, administrator of the Crow Reservation. The first presentation of the drama was in 1964. It continued for a number of years before lapsing and then being restored to life in 1990.
Other events of the weekend are a historical symposium, a street dance, a Scandinavian dinner, and a parade.
Hardin Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture
10 Railway St.
P.O. Box 446
Hardin, MT 59034
406-665-1672; fax: 406-665-3577
AmerBkDays-2000, p. 474