Nikolai Grigorev

Grigor’ev, Nikolai Petrovich


Born 1822; died 1886. Participant in M. V. Petrashevskii’s circle. Lieutenant in the Life Guards of the Cavalry Grenadier Regiment.

The son of a major general, Grigor’ev also attended S. F. Durov’s circle. He participated in preparing anti-government literature for publication by the underground press of the Petrashevtsy, writing the propagandistic story for soldiers Soldiers’ Conversation. At the trial of the Petrashevtsy, Grigor’ev was condemned to death; and on Dec. 22, 1849, he was led before a firing squad in the presence of his regiment. His sentence was commuted to hard labor in Nerchinsk, and in 1856 he was allowed to settle among the inhabitants of the town. In 1857, Grigor’ev, who was deranged, was placed under the care of his family in Nizhny Novgorod.


Delo petrashevtsev, vols. 1–3. Moscow-Leningrad, 1937–51.
Leikina-Svirskaia, V. R. Petrashevtsy. Moscow, 1965.