Nikolai Ivanovich Andrusov

Andrusov, Nikolai Ivanovich


Born Dec. 7 (19), 1861, in Odessa; died Apr. 27, 1924, in Prague. Russian geologist and paleontologist. Academician (1914; corresponding member, 1910) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

In 1896, Andrusov became a professor at the University of Iur’ev; in 1905 he moved to the University of Kiev. Beginning in 1912, he was a professor at women’s colleges in St. Petersburg, as well as a collaborator on the Geological Committee. His major works were devoted to the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Neocene system of the Pontocaspian Basin and to fossil reefs and organic limestones. His research on Tertiary deposits, particularly in the North Caucasus and the southeastern Transcaucasus, was significant for the study of the geology of petroleum deposits. He participated in oceanographic expeditions to the Black Sea (1890), the Sea of Marmara (1894), and the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-Gol (1897). On the bottom of the Black Sea, Andrusov discovered remains of Caspian-type post-Tertiary fauna and established that the depths of the sea were “contaminated” with hydrogen sulfide. He was one of the founders of paleoecology. A number of his works were devoted to the tectonics and paleogeography of Eurasian alpine zones.


Borisiak, A. A. “Nikolai Ivanovich Andrusov.” Nauchnyi rabot-nik, 1925, book 2.