mature minor

A young person who has not reached adulthood—as defined by the laws of a particular jurisdiction—but whose maturity is such that he/she can interact on an adult level for certain purposes—e.g., consenting to medical care

ma·ture mi·nor

(mă-chūr' mī'nŏr) Person younger than 18 years of age, who nonetheless possesses an understanding of the nature and consequences of proposed treatment.

mature minor

Any teenager who can demonstrate competence to consent to or refuse treatment. In the common law, a teenager who demonstrates adequate maturity may choose or reject some forms of care, including contraceptive and pregnancy care, mental health and chemical dependency consultations, and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases. In these instances the consent of the parent or guardian is not necessarily needed.


Although the concept of the mature minor recognizes the autonomy of the teen, before care is provided without parental consent health care professionals must be able to obtain evidence of and clearly document both the teen's maturity and his or her understanding of any proposed treatment.