释义 |
la·ryn·go·scope L0055200 (lə-rĭng′gə-skōp′, -rĭn′jə-)n. A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx. la·ryn′go·scop′ic (-skŏp′ĭk), la·ryn′go·scop′i·cal adj.la·ryn′go·scop′i·cal·ly adv.lar′yn·gos′co·py (lăr′ən-gŏs′kə-pē) n.EncyclopediaSeelaryngoscopelaryngoscopic
la·ryn·go·scop·ic (lă-ring'gō-skop'ik), Relating to laryngoscopy.la·ryn·go·scop·ic (lă-ring'gŏ-skop'ik) Relating to laryngoscopy. laryngoscopic (lar?in-go-skop'ik) [? + skopein, to examine] Pert. to observation of the interior of the larynx with the aid of a small long-handled mirror. See: laryngoscopy |