Acronym | Definition |
NCS➣National Clandestine Service (US Central Intelligence Agency) |
NCS➣National Compensation Survey |
NCS➣No Copyright Sounds (record label) |
NCS➣National Computer Systems (various locations) |
NCS➣Nerve Conduction Studies |
NCS➣National Communications System (US Department of Homeland Security) |
NCS➣New Cambridge Shakespeare (Cambridge University Press; UK) |
NCS➣Net Control Station (ITS) |
NCS➣Natural Color System |
NCS➣National Comorbidity Survey |
NCS➣North Carolina Symphony |
NCS➣National Cartoonists Society |
NCS➣Non-Chinese Speaking (Hong Kong) |
NCS➣Network Computing System (Apollo) |
NCS➣National Center for Simulation |
NCS➣National Children’s Study |
NCS➣Network Computing System |
NCS➣National Computer Systems |
NCS➣Newroom Computer System |
NCS➣Netware Connect Services |
NCS➣National Communications System |
NCS➣Network Control System |
NCS➣Network Computing Service |
NCS➣Netscape Commerce Server |
NCS➣Novell Cluster Services |
NCS➣Network Call Signaling |
NCS➣Native Character Set |
NCS➣Node Control System |
NCS➣Network Computers |
NCS➣Native Computer Systems |
NCS➣Norton Clean Sweep |
NCS➣Network and Cache Simulator |
NCS➣Netscape Communications Server |
NCS➣Novell Connection Service |
NCS➣Network Characterization Service |
NCS➣Nasi Connection Service |
NCS➣Network Configuration Services |
NCS➣Network Center Server |
NCS➣Native Code Set |
NCS➣Non Critical Section |
NCS➣No Customer Service |
NCS➣North Carolina State University |
NCS➣Network Centric Systems (Raytheon division) |
NCS➣News and Communication Services (Oregon State University) |
NCS➣Norwegian Continental Shelf (oil and gas resources) |
NCS➣Nexans Cabling Solutions (UK and Ireland) |
NCS➣Northside Christian School (St. Petersburg, FL) |
NCS➣National Cathedral School (Washington, DC) |
NCS➣National Conservation Strategy |
NCS➣Natural Capitalism Solutions (Longmont, CO) |
NCS➣National CAD Standard |
NCS➣Network-based Call Signaling (Packet Cable) |
NCS➣Norfolk Collegiate School (Norfolk, VA) |
NCS➣N-Chlorosuccinimide |
NCS➣National Centre for Sustainability (Australia) |
NCS➣Noncrystallographic Symmetry |
NCS➣Non-Centrifugal Cane Sugar (foods) |
NCS➣NATO Codification System |
NCS➣NICMOS Cooling System |
NCS➣Neurocardiogenic Syncope |
NCS➣National Call to Service |
NCS➣Nuclear Criticality Safety |
NCS➣National Cyber Security |
NCS➣Nigeria Computer Society |
NCS➣National Crystallography Service (UK) |
NCS➣Network Call Signaling (Packet Cable) |
NCS➣National Cryptologic School |
NCS➣Nippon Control System (Japan) |
NCS➣Naval Control of Shipping |
NCS➣Newborn Calf Serum |
NCS➣National Cycling Strategy (various locations) |
NCS➣National Circus School (Montreal, Canada) |
NCS➣North Cross School (Virginia) |
NCS➣NetWare Cluster Services (various companies) |
NCS➣Nature Conservation Service (South Africa) |
NCS➣National Computer Services |
NCS➣Non Ci Siamo (Italian) |
NCS➣Non-Consensual Sex (rape) |
NCS➣New Career Skills (UK) |
NCS➣National Cemetery System |
NCS➣Newark Charter School (Newark, Delaware) |
NCS➣Network Centric Solutions (US Navy) |
NCS➣Newark City Subway (Newark, NJ, USA) |
NCS➣Natural Complex Substance |
NCS➣Newcomb Central School (Newcomb, NY) |
NCS➣Not Clinically Significant |
NCS➣NASCAR Nextel Cup (auto racing) |
NCS➣Network Communications System |
NCS➣NATO Command Structure |
NCS➣Network Coordination Centre (INMARSAT) |
NCS➣Naval Supply Center |
NCS➣Network Coordination Station (ITU-T) |
NCS➣Neurologic Clinical Specialist (physical therapy specialization/certification) |
NCS➣Nederlandse Christelijke Sport (Dutch: Dutch Christian Sports) |
NCS➣Newsroom Computer Systems |
NCS➣NATO Committee for Standardization |
NCS➣Northern Colorado Swimming |
NCS➣National Custodian Services |
NCS➣Norwegian Cancer Society |
NCS➣Neighborhood and Community Services |
NCS➣Network Centric Solutions (UK company) |
NCS➣National Cremation Society |
NCS➣National Center For Stuttering |
NCS➣National Commission on Space |
NCS➣Numismatic Conservation Services LLC (Sarasota, FL) |
NCS➣Networking & Computing Services |
NCS➣Non-Critical Sensitive |
NCS➣Non-Contact Sensor |
NCS➣Numerical Control Society |
NCS➣Notification of Compliance Status |
NCS➣NORAD Contingency Suite (command and control system) |
NCS➣Nutation Control System |
NCS➣Nippon Cable System (now Hi-Lex Corporation; Japan) |
NCS➣Nordic Camping Sports AB (various locations) |
NCS➣Nippon Computer Sales (Japan) |
NCS➣Note Circulation Scheme (UK bank note distribution system) |
NCS➣Node Center Switch |
NCS➣Net Capital Spending (finance) |
NCS➣Node Control Software |
NCS➣Network Cabling Specialist |
NCS➣Non-Coding Sequence (genetics) |
NCS➣Nabors Corporate Services |
NCS➣National Criminal Squad (United Kingdom) |
NCS➣Network Clock Synchronization |
NCS➣Newman Catholic School |
NCS➣National Cremation Service |
NCS➣Network Communication Server |
NCS➣Nature Club Surat |
NCS➣North Coast Software |
NCS➣Neural Computing Systems, LLC (Irvine, California) |
NCS➣Net-Centric Computing System |
NCS➣Node Control System (NEC) |
NCS➣Norman Carr Safaris (Zambia) |
NCS➣Nantucket Community Sailing, Inc (Nantucket, MA) |
NCS➣Nonconvulsive Seizure |
NCS➣Nellis Cadet Squadron |
NCS➣Navy Command System |
NCS➣Next Control Station |
NCS➣Nielsen Coverage Service |
NCS➣Net Control Ship |
NCS➣Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer Cryocooler System (coolant system for a special space camera) |
NCS➣No Case Statement (in parser) |
NCS➣Network Characterization System |
NCS➣Naval Communication Station/System |
NCS➣Not Connected Seconds |
NCS➣National Communications Station |
NCS➣Northside Chamber Society |
NCS➣Network Control Station/Ship/System |
NCS➣NATO Cross-Servicing Guide |
NCS➣National Correspondence Support (Sprint) |
NCS➣Never Caught Slippin' (online community) |
NCS➣North Ceylon Sarvodaya |