Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National Historic SitesAddress:2125 Daisy L. Gatson Bates Dr
Little Rock, AR 72202

Size: 27 acres.
Established: Established on November 6, 1998.
Location:At the intersection of 14th and Park streets in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Facilities:Museum and visitor center. Site is administered in partnership with Little Rock Public Schools, the City of Little Rock, and others. The school will continue to function as an educational institution.
Activities:Guided tours (by reservation only) and self-guided tours, special programs.
Special Features:The admission in 1957 of nine black students to Central High School was a critical test of the implementation of the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision three years earlier, and drew national and international attention. In 1999 the Little Rock Nine each received the Congressional Gold Medal -- our nation's highest civilian honor -- for their efforts to desegregate Little Rock Central High School.

See other parks in Arkansas.