Maffucci syndrome

Maf·fuc·ci syn·drome

(mă-fū'chē), [MIM*166000] enchondromas of the limbs in association with venous and lymphaticovenous malformation; propensity to develop other benign or malignant tumors. The ipsilateral lower limb is usually involved, but the ipsilateral upper extremity or (rarely) a contralateral lower limb (usually isolated) may be included. Abdomen, flank, and back may rarely be included. Compare: Parkes Weber syndrome. Synonym(s): dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas, Kast syndrome

Maf·fuc·ci syn·drome

(mă-fū'chē sin'drōm) Enchondromas of the limbs in association with venous and lymphaticovenous malformation; propensity to develop other benign or malignant tumors.
Synonym(s): Kast syndrome.


Angelo, Italian physician, 1847-1903. Maffucci syndrome - enchondromatosis with multiple cavernous hemangiomas. Synonym(s): dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas