Motulsky dye reduction test

Mo·tul·sky dye re·duc·tion test

(mō-tŭl'skē), a test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in the blood, using a mixture of brilliant cresyl blue, glucose 6-phosphate, and NADP.

Motulsky dye reduction test

A term of waning use for a quantitative test for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD; EC, in which the cells of interest (i.e., erythrocytes) are incubated with NADP and brilliant cresyl blue dye. The greater the concentration of G6PD the more rapid the reduction of the NADP to NADPH, which reduces the dye to a colourless form. The currently preferred method for quantifying G6PD is based on the direct spectrophotometric measurement of NADP reduction at 340 nm, and is not eponymously dignified.