释义 |
orf (ɔːf) n (Veterinary Science) vet science an infectious disease of sheep and sometimes goats and cattle, characterized by scabby pustular lesions on the muzzle and lips; caused by a paramyxovirus. Technical name: contagious pustular dermatitis Also called: scabby mouth (Austral)Translations
ORF[ȯrf or ¦ō¦är′ef] (cell and molecular biology) open reading frame orf
orf [orf] a contagious pustular viral dermatitis of sheep, sometimes communicable to humans.orf (ōrf), A specific disease of sheep and goats, caused by the orf virus, family Poxviridae. This virus is transmissible to humans and characterized by vesiculation and ulceration of the infected site. Synonym(s): contagious ecthyma, scabby mouth, soremouth [O.E. orfcwealm, murrain, fr. orf, cattle, + cwealm, destruction] A benign self-limited parapoxvirus infection acquired by handling infected sheep and goat skins and flesh which, in young animals, causes watery warty lesions of the cornea, mucous membranes and lips Agent Orf virus is similar to that causing milker’s nodesORF Oral rehydration fluid
orf Ecthyma contagiosum A benign self-limited parapoxvirus infection acquired by handling infected sheep and goat skins and flesh which, in young animals, causes watery warty lesions of the cornea, mucous membranes and lips; in canines, orf-orf Clinical Hypertrophic bullae at inoculation site which, in immunocompromised Pts, may be very large Agent Orf virus is similar to that causing milker's nodesorf A pox virus infection of sheep and goats that occasionally spreads to humans causing a fluid-filled blister on the hand or arm that may persist for weeks.ORF see OPEN READING FRAME.ORF
Acronym | Definition |
ORF➣Open Reading Frame (genetics) | ORF➣Open Reading Frame (genome) | ORF➣Observer Research Foundation (India) | ORF➣Organic Rye Flour | ORF➣Oral Reading Fluency | ORF➣Oesterreichischer Rundfunk (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) | ORF➣Oesterreichischer Rundfunk (Austrian radio and television company) | ORF➣Open Reading Frame | ORF➣Olympus Raw File | ORF➣Open Research Forum (various locations) | ORF➣Onshore Receiving Facilities | ORF➣Outbound Route Filter (Cisco) | ORF➣Olympus Raw Format (file extension) | ORF➣Operational Readiness Float | ORF➣Oceanic Resource Foundation | ORF➣Order Request Form (various organizations) | ORF➣Operations Research and Facilities | ORF➣Official Representation Funds | ORF➣Norfolk, VA, USA - Norfolk International Airport (Airport Code) | ORF➣Ontario Research Foundation (now ORTECH International) | ORF➣Ohio Renaissance Festival (Wilmington, Ohio) | ORF➣Ontario Renaissance Festival (Milton, Ontario) | ORF➣Old Retired Fart | ORF➣Organisation Rotaract de la Francophonie (French Rotary club) | ORF➣Orbital Reference Frame | ORF➣Outside Right Forward (soccer) | ORF➣Our Retired Friends | ThesaurusSeedisease |