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National Council Licensure Examination-Practical Nurse Na·tion·al Coun·cil Li·cen·sure Ex·am·in·a·tion-Prac·ti·cal Nurse (NCLEX-PN) (nash'ŏ-năl kown'sil lī'sĕn-shŭr eg-zam'in-ā'shŭn prak'tik-ăl nŭrs) A standardized computer-administered examination that is taken by new applicants for state licensure. The test is offered in all states by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. A passing standard is set to determine the applicant's minimum competence for safe practice. National Council Licensure Examination–Practical Nurse, NCLEX–PNComputer-administered standardized tests taken by new applicants for state licensure as practical nurses that attempt to determine the candidate's minimum competence for safe practice. The examinations are available in all states and are administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. |