Little White House State Historic Site

Little White House State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:.25 mile south of Warm Springs on GA 85 Alt and GA 27 Alt.
Facilities:Historic home, therapeutic pools and springs complex, museum, picnic areas.
Activities:House tours.
Special Features:Franklin Delano Roosevelt built the Little White House in 1932 whilestill governor of New York. He had first come to Warm Springs in 1924 hopingthat the spring waters would provide a cure for the infantile paralysis(polio) that had struck him in 1921. During FDR's presidency and theGreat Depression, he developed many New Deal Programs (such as theRural Electrification Administration) based upon his experiences inthis small town. On April 12, 1945, FDR suffered a stroke whilehis portrait was being painted and died a short while later. Today, theUnfinished Portrait is a focal point of the Little White House tour.The house and furnishings have been preserved much as Roosevelt leftthem in 1945.
Address:401 Little White House Rd
Warm Springs, GA 31830

Size: 160 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.