Acronym | Definition |
MAG➣Metal Active Gas (welding) |
MAG➣Magazine |
MAG➣Massive Action Game (video game) |
MAG➣Magnetic |
MAG➣Magnitude (astronomy) |
MAG➣Magnesium |
MAG➣Magician (Everquest) |
MAG➣Mines Advisory Group (UK) |
MAG➣Motorcycle Action Group |
MAG➣MagLite (Flashlight) |
MAG➣Memorandum of Agreement (document) |
MAG➣Magister |
MAG➣Magister (degree) |
MAG➣Maricopa Association of Governments |
MAG➣Medical Association of Georgia (Atlanta) |
MAG➣Magnetometer |
MAG➣Mines Advisory Group (humanitarian demining NGO, UK) |
MAG➣Memorial Art Gallery (University of Rochester) |
MAG➣Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia (Ecuador) |
MAG➣Martial Arts Group (insurance) |
MAG➣Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein |
MAG➣Manchester Airport Group (UK) |
MAG➣Military Advocate General (Israel) |
MAG➣Military, Aerospace and Government |
MAG➣Dotmobi Advisory Group |
MAG➣Morton Ann Gernsbacher (psychology) |
MAG➣Macally Mace Group (various locations) |
MAG➣Men's Artistic Gymnastics |
MAG➣Modeling and Analysis Group (various organizations) |
MAG➣Museums, Archives and Galleries |
MAG➣Managed Access Gateway (Exostar) |
MAG➣Mobile Access Gateway |
MAG➣Monitor Action Group (Namibia) |
MAG➣Management Advisory Group |
MAG➣Maximum Available Gain |
MAG➣Mitrailleuse d'Appui General (Belgian machine gun) |
MAG➣Master of Agriculture |
MAG➣Minimum Annual Guarantee |
MAG➣Manga, Anime and Game |
MAG➣Midwest Air Group, Inc. |
MAG➣Mid-Atlantic Group (Hardy Plant Society) |
MAG➣Mothers Against Guns (England) |
MAG➣Military Airlift Group |
MAG➣Mothers and Men against Gangs (California) |
MAG➣Metal Arc Gas (welding) |
MAG➣Maximum Absorption Garment (NASA, astronaut diaper) |
MAG➣Madang, Papua New Guinea - Madang (Airport Code) |
MAG➣Mainzer Aufbaugesellschaft mbH |
MAG➣Mission Assurance Guidelines |
MAG➣Madares al Ghad (Schools of Tomorrow; educational program; United Arab Emirates) |
MAG➣Microwave Application Group |
MAG➣Maritime Action Group |
MAG➣Mutual Assistance Group |
MAG➣Middle Aged Gamers (gaming clan) |
MAG➣Military Accountant General |
MAG➣Metropolitan Area Gateway |
MAG➣Master of Applied Geography |
MAG➣Mouvement pour les Assises de la Gauche (French: Mouvement for the Conference of the Left, Senegal) |
MAG➣Military Advisory/Assistance Group |
MAG➣Major Accounts Group |
MAG➣Mission Area Group |
MAG➣Message Assessment Group |
MAG➣Marine Aircraft/Air Group |
MAG➣Marine Activity Group |
MAG➣MNC Allotment Group |
MAG➣Marine Activity Group (TWG/TAT-14) |
MAG➣minimum allowed gain |