Liu Pai-Yü

Liu Pai-Yü


Born 1915, in Peking. Chinese writer. Member of the Communist Party of China (1938).

In 1931, Liu Pai-yii joined the Red Army of China as a volunteer. He worked as a correspondent for the Hsinhua news agency and the newspaper Hsinhua jih-pao in Ch’ung-ch’ing. His first published work was the short story “Ice Field” (1936), about the life of soldiers in the Kuomintang army. Almost all of Liu Pai-yii’s subsequent works were also concerned with army themes, such as the short stories “Three Fighters” and “In the Fire of Battle” and the novella The Dawn Is Ahead (1950; Russian translation, 1951). He also wrote the screenplay for the film Victory of the Chinese People (State Prize of the USSR, 1951).

Liu Pai-yü was one of the Chinese volunteers who in October 1950 joined the Korean people in their war of liberation against the interventionists. He wrote a series of sketches about his experiences in that war, and later, influenced by B. Polevoi’s Story of a Real Man, a documentary novel about the fighter Li Lai-tsai.


In Russian translation:
Izbrannoe. Moscow, 1955.
“Neugasimoe plamia.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1958, no. 6.


Balashov, N., and B. Riftin. “Tvorchestvo Liu Bai-iuia.” In Pisateli stran narodnoi demokratii, issue 3. Moscow, 1959.