Magendie spaces

Ma·gen·die spac·es

(mah-zhan-dē'), spaces between the pia and arachnoid at the level of the fissures of the brain.


François, French physiologist, 1783-1855. Bell-Magendie law - Synonym(s): Bell lawMagendie foramen - Synonym(s): medial aperture of the fourth ventricleMagendie law - Synonym(s): Bell lawMagendie spaces - space between the pia and arachnoid at the level of the fissures of the brain.Magendie-Hertwig sign - skew deviation of the eyes in acute cerebellar lesions. Synonym(s): Magendie-Hertwig syndromeMagendie-Hertwig syndrome - Synonym(s): Magendie-Hertwig sign