

 [os″te-o-path´e-ah] osteopathy (def. 1).osteopathia conden´sans dissemina´ta osteopoikilosis.osteopathia stria´ta an asymptomatic condition characterized radiographically by multiple condensations of cancellous bone tissue, giving a striated appearance.


(os'tē-op'ă-thē), 1. Any disease of bone. Synonym(s): osteopathia2. A school of medicine based on a concept of the normal body as a vital machine capable, when in correct adjustment, of making its own remedies against infections and other toxic conditions; practitioners use the diagnostic and therapeutic measures of conventional medicine in addition to manipulative measures. Synonym(s): osteopathic medicine [osteo- + G. pathos, suffering]


(os'tē-op'ă-thē) 1. Any disease of bone.
Synonym(s): osteopathia.
2. A school of medicine based on a concept of the normal body as a vital machine capable, when in correct adjustment, of making its own remedies against infections and other toxic conditions; practitioners use the diagnostic and therapeutic measures of conventional medicine in addition to manipulative measures.
Synonym(s): osteopathic medicine.