NRDNatural Resources District (Nebraska)
NRDNormal Retirement Date
NRDNon-Refundable Deposit
NRDNero Dvd Video
NRDNetwork Raster Design
NRDNetwork Route Director
NRDNatural Resource Damage
NRDNavy Recruiting District
NRDNational Registration Database (Canada)
NRDNiemiecka Republika Demokratyczna (Polish: German Democratic Republic)
NRDNuclear Research and Development
NRDNatural Resources Department
NRDNo Reliable Data
NRDNational Rebuilding Day (various locations)
NRDNon-Radiative Dielectric
NRDNorway Registers Development
NRDNeutron REM Detector
NRDNegative Resistance Diode
NRDNonreplenishable Demand
NRDNational Resources Database
NRDOffice of Naval Research and Development (US Navy)