Lasson, Georg

Lasson, Georg


Born July 13, 1862, in Berlin; died there Dec. 2, 1932. German theologian; neo-Hegelian philosopher.

A Protestant pastor in Berlin, Lasson was editor of the collected works of G. Hegel and of the Hegelian archives (from 1907). Lasson interpreted the philosophy of Hegel as being consistent with the doctrines of Protestantism.


Beiträge zur Hegelforschung, fascicles 1–2. Berlin, 1909.
Grundfragen der Glaubenslehre. Leipzig, 1913.
Was heisst Hegelianismus? Berlin, 1916.
Hegel als Geschichtsphilosoph, 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1922.
Einführung in Hegels Religionsphilosophie. Leipzig, 1930.


“Georg Lasson zum 70. Geburtstag am 13 Juli 1932.” Kant-Studien, 1932, vol. 37, nos. 3–4.