North Sterling State Park

North Sterling State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Colorado
Location:From W Main Street in Sterling (Hwy 240), turn north 12 miles on N 7th Ave (CR 39) to the reservoir.
Facilities:141 campsites (97 with electrical hookups), showers, restrooms, 38picnic sites, group picnic area, multi-use trails, snack bar, swimmingbeach, 3 boat ramps, marina, boat rentals, jet ski rentals, visitor/nature center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, swimming, fishing, water-skiing, sailboarding, jetskiing, hunting (with restrictions), ice fishing, winter camping,interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located in the eastern grasslands of Colorado, the park features scenicbluffs and expansive views of the surrounding high plains. NorthSterling Reservoir is a popular boating area, with an array of coves and fingers to explore.
Address:24005 County Rd 330
Sterling, CO 80751

Size: 2,351 acres land; 2,880 acres water. Elevation: 4,065 feet.

See other parks in Colorado.