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DictionarySeeacinusEncyclopediaSeeAcinusliver acinus
acinus [as´ĭ-nus] (pl. a´cini) (L.) any of the smallest lobules of a compound gland.liver acinus the smallest functional unit of the liver, a mass of liver parenchyma that is supplied by terminal branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery and drained by a terminal branch of the bile duct. Liver acinus: Hepatic lobules are represented by hexagons (solid lines); liver acinus is represented by rhombus (dotted line). From Dorland's, 2000. pulmonary acinus terminal respiratory unit.liv·er ac·i·nusa functional unit of the liver, comprising all liver parenchyma supplied by a terminal branch of the portal vein and hepatic artery; typically involves segments of two lobules lying between two terminal hepatic venules. Synonym(s): Rappaport acinusliv·er ac·i·nus (liv'ĕr as'i-nŭs) The smallest functional unit of the liver, comprising all of the liver parenchyma supplied by a terminal branch of the portal vein and hepatic artery. |